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Artists categorised under 'Book Artist'

Embroidery based on a journal entry
Embroidery based on a journal entry
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
oil on canvas, 2" x 3" Dragon Creating the Universe
An Illustration describing an article about the extinction of Panda Pops
An Illustration describing an article about the extinction of Panda Pops
Resisting the homogenisation of humans, ink on bristol board
Resisting the homogenisation of humans, ink on bristol board
A self portrait of me and my Chihuahua.
A self portrait of me and my Chihuahua.
image from 'Johnny Treeface'
image from 'Johnny Treeface'
OCD Magazine / 202 pages/ 21cm x 25cm/ Paperback
OCD Magazine / 202 pages/ 21cm x 25cm/ Paperback
wave study |4| 'Enhancement' series
wave study |4| 'Enhancement' series