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Blue Black Improvisation
Blue Black Improvisation

Jeremy Doulton


London-based artist/musician Jeremy Doulton exploring the possibility of the Moment, the Occasion and the Present. The Ephemeral Show and a fleeting moment; one that conjures, conjured, was conjured by circumstance and whim based on impetus, intuition and experience as an all-important and all-consuming visual art form that takes its precedence from the world of music as instigator to a self-forgetting state… albeit momentarily. Maybe we just don’t know anything and any art form used as a vehicle to accept this, I would presume is important. Outcomes will come and go and the Now will pass into a new Now once the old Now has finished. That in itself could take nanoseconds or a day, but whatever it is, it is time passing freely and obdurately into a future, regardless of how I Think, You Think, He/She/It Thinks, We Think, You (pl) Think, They Think it should pan out. Some might call that an ‘Unknown Future’ others simply: ‘Something’.

Locations and categories

Location All > United Kingdom > London > London Postcode SE
Categories All > Visual Art > Painter

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